Hello there? Now you may be wondering who I am? Am I another one of the skilled writers present within the current English 110 class? Yes! Yes I am…
Minus all of the skill…
Hi my name is Alenn Olango and I am a current student of CCNY on the way to achieving my dream of becoming a Software Engineer. I am funny (at least I myself like to think so 🥲) creative, outgoing, sociable, charismatic, along with whatever other big word you can come up with because im too lazy to put them down👍
Ooo before I end my TOTALLY interesting intro, might I mention the one incredible and unique skill that I have… “the skill of procrastination.”

Before I get into the fun facts about me (which I know ALL of you are DYING to hear) onto the nitty gritty details no one cares much about nowadays. I come from the Philippines in a city called Cagayan De Oro. As Filipinos we are kind and welcoming and like to not only express ourselves but also connect with others in the form of music. Cagayan De Oro is no different being a place filled with people belonging to such a friendly and culturally rich community. We speak a language called Visayan, a dialect amongst many other dialects spoken within the Philippines. Okay okay lemme not bore you guys too much now, let’s spice things up
shall we?? 😘❤️

Now the moment you’ve all been waiting forrrr
Some of the hobbies that I like to do include
- Drawing
- Playing guitar/piano and Dancing
- singing with my terrible voice
- Working out
- Doing MMA
- Playing video games (such as Valorant, League, Apex, etc…)
- Going out to explore NYC
- Hanging with friends

I started Drawing when I was at a very young age (Do I remember what age? No, I have the memory of Joe Biden). It was something that kept me entertained before my discovery in technology. Then I also got into playing the guitar and piano and gained a passion in learning how to dance (as a Filipino you either sing, play an instrument or dance, if you don’t do either one man goodluck…😬) At a stage in my life I started to feel a little insecure about my body so what did I do? Started going to the gym and doing workouts at home. Then comes MMA, something that I have been doing since middle school. I mainly do Muay Thai, Jiu Jitsu, Boxing, and it started off as something just so I know how to defend myself. However, overtime I ended up enjoying it and wanted to continue it. Then we get into Video Games, something that has contributed HEAVILY to my procrastination…it is something that fills up most of my time when I have nothing else to do or just don’t feel like doing school work 😀and Lastly I enjoy Hanging out in the City exploring areas I haven’t visited before along with hanging out with my friends and family.

Before putting things to a close I would just like to say that I am very thankful for the experience and things that I have learned from my class and would like to give a thankyou to my professor Nidhi Gandhi. Well I guess this is farewell, until next time where we may meet again 🙂