I personally enjoyed Amy Tan’s essay for the reason that it was similar/related to the same ideas that we had read within our first text Should Writer’s use they own English by Vershawn Ashanti Young. It emphasizes on the idea that people should have the right to speak in their “native tongue,” whether that be the language they grew up primarily speaking or the type of English that they speak. Within this text by Amy Tan, she discusses how it can be confusing and difficult when having to speak the “English,” that she normally speaks with towards her mother, Lover, and Family and the “English,” that she speaks for more professional scenarios. For example, when she mentions within the beginning of the text that she was giving a speech and for the first time her mother was in the audience. She comes to mention that this made her conscious because the English that she was speaking was not the English that her mother was used to her speaking at home. She states herself “a speech with carefully wrought grammatical phrases, burdened, it suddenly seemed to me, with nominalized forms, past perfect tenses, conditional phrases, all the forms of standard English that I had learned in school and through books, the forms of English I did not use at home with my mother. I feel like the part that resonated with me the most within this text was when she was mentioning the difficulty of having to speak different types of “English,” when it came to her formal speeches to talking with her mother, lover, and family. The reason to why out of the whole text this is the part that stuck out to me is because I am able to relate to this. My family in the U.S. are able to understand me perfectly fine and a lot are able to speak what can be referred to as “proper,” English. However, when it comes to my family within the Philippines it’s a different story. I often find myself having to slow down or having to combine my language in with English in order to communicate with my family properly. Even though I do not go back home too often and for too long I still do find myself almost confused when back in the U.S. I am little part of family in the U.S. that fell into the trap of “You have to be able to speak proper English to be viewed as proper in America or to be so called successful in your life.” I’m glad to have found these writers and to see that they are able to speak against views like this.